Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tracy Turnblad, a Big Girl with a Big Dream

Hairspray is a popular Musical movie released in 2007. An adaptation of the stage musical Hairspray, itself an adaptation of the non-musical John Waters film of the same name, it revolves in a town in the '60s.

Hairspray is definitely not your typical musical. With good looking cast,co-ordination, wonderful music score, and not forgetting the brilliant surprise by John Travolta, there is something else that makes Hairspray more memorable and impactful than other musicals. Nikki Blonsky plays Tracy Turnblad, a rather overweight girl whose only dream is to be on a local Baltimore teen dance program. While her father (Christopher Walken) tells her to follow her dreams, her mother Edna (John Travolta in drag) reminds her that she doesn't look like the girls on that show. After impressing the show's host, great Tracy earns a coveted spot on the program. With her talents and personality, she soon becomes a popular addition to the cast. But Tracy earns the wrath of the prettiest girl in school who obviously grew jealous of her success. The girl's mother happens to be one of the operators of the program, which potentially spells trouble for Tracy's future in the program. But that doesn't stop her. 

Tracy's visit to detention hall opens her eyes to the racial tension on the show, as does the budding relationship between her best friend (Amanda Bynes) and an African-American boy named Seaweed (Elijah Kelley). Thus empowered, Tracy attempts to integrate the races on her favourite program.

All of us would agree that Hairspray is a feel-good and fun musical but besides that, there is so much we can learn from this movie and the lead character. 

I absolutely love Tracy for her cheerful deposition, energy, and ability to put her head high despite people trying to bring her down. In a world that has become preoccupied with pencil thin, size zero figure, it’s refreshing to bump into a character who does not allow her body size to stand in way of her ambition. She is proud  of who she is and is not ashamed of body size. After Tracy goes on to becoming an outstanding dancer on a popular TV show like she's always meant to be, she doesn't stop there. She uses her newfound celebrity status to fight racial segregation that's widespread in her home town. Here she displays another admirable trait- her courage to fight for what she believes in.

Tracy also finds love with one of the lead dancers Link Larkin, which reminds us that big girls have an equal chance at love. 

Certainly inspiring, it's a must-watch if you haven't.

In our society today, many young women develop low self-esteem from being too hung-up about their looks and size, consequently failing to reach their full potential in life. Hairspray teaches us that everyone pursue our dream despite our size, background and all the things that don't matter. So to the big girls out there: 

Never let your 'extra baggage' hold you back from living your dream. 

Tracy is beautiful  not because of her appearance, but her vibrant personality, kind heart and BIG dreams.

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